Hi folk

Happy New Year to you all. Here is a quick round up of our January gigs. The year commenced with two shows with our very good friend Allan Webster “Australia’s Country Gentleman” all the way from Millicent S.A.. Two fantastic shows one at the Kamo Club on Wednesday 9th January and one at the Whangarei RSA on Friday 11th January were both very well supported. It was great to so many people coming out so early in the year. It just goes to show that if you have good quality entertainment people will definitely support it. Which we appreciate very much. Thank you all we had a ball as I’m sure Allan did as well. It was also a special treat to be entertained be Maureen and Allan’s granddaughter, Melody, at both shows. Melody will be a force to be reckoned with in the years ahead in the entertainment industry. Once again thank you to the Kamo Club and the Whangarei RSA for allowing us to perform and to all those that travelled to the shows. We know some of the Mobile Homers did Wai Worri Festival and were heading to Marton for the festival down there. It was nice to see Maureen and Allan again and to be able to return the favour of arranging gigs as they so generously do for us when we are traveling around South Australia and Victoria. We look forward to catching up with them in July at the Barham Stampede. Can’t wait for that

On Friday the 18th January we headed to Marton to appear at the Marton Country Music Festival. We missed the 2018 festival due to life. But we were glad to be back in sunny Marton to entertain the huge crowd that had turned out for the weekend. They weren’t disappointed as John and his team had gathered together an amazing group of artists to perform over the weekend. These included Headliners New Zealand’s own Marian Burns and Noel Flynn all the way from the emerald isles Ireland. Noel has a traditional country style which went down well with the appreciative crowd. Noel brought his wife Becky with him to experience the sights and sounds of New Zealand and its country music. Marian needs no introductions she is New Zealand’s fiddle player extraordinaire. And Annette and I were blessed to have Marian join us on stage to accompany us on two songs. Thank you soooo much Marian

We had a great weekend. Thank you to everyone that supported us by buying cds and coming over to chat. We heard some great stories over the weekend. Some we can’t repeat. It was great to catch up with so many friends especially Lloyd and Nancy from Hawera, Lorraine from Whangarei and Gail and Ngatoko Kupe from Fielding. It was so nice to see you all again. Also a big thank you to Beth and Andy Watson for providing us with accommodation over the weekend. What a beautiful home you have. Beth and Andy are very busy people. Andy of course is the Mayor of Marton and together they own “Spookers” in Auckland which is where Beth had to go for the weekend to work. Don’t worry Beth, Andy took care of us wonderfully. Hope to see you both next year.

Also taking to the stage were; Coopers Run, Kylie Austin, Joy Adams, Carylann, Jenni Smith, Gail Russell, Allan Dennis, Derek and Lynn Evans, Sharon Miller, Kevin and Kay Tappin, Twin Set, and Legal Tender to name just a few. Thanks to the backing bands for their hard during the weekend Los Bandas and Hired Gunz a great job. And let’s not forget Keith Murch for providing the sound. Thanks Keith
The weekend was finished off with the Sunday Gospel walk-ups and then general walk-ups before finishing off with a rousing finale song lead by Marian and Noel
Thanks John for a great weekend. It looked as though it was a record turnout. Congratulations to all your support team as well. Fantastic job. Great music, great food and great friends what more could you want. We also send our well wishes to Ron Austin. Hope you are on the road to recovery Ron. Couldn’t imagine a country show without yourself and Pam there.
That’s about it folks. Our next festival will be in Thames on the 23rd of March with my cousin Craig Robertson. Also hope to be at the Bay of Islands Country Rock Festival in May with “The Mountain Mist Band” and on Sunday the 24th of February we will be at the annual Kawakawa Vintage Railway concert. Then on the 6th of March we will be at the Kamo Club to celebrate the Dance Sections 19th birthday. So look forward to seeing you at one of these gigs. Until then take care and remember to keep it country.
Best wishes
Annette & Kim