Hi Folks
We just don’t know where this year has gone. Here we are with Christmas just around the corner. We have had a great year and are looking forward to some exciting stuff in 2017.
Before that though we have finished off the year with our last 2016 gigs at Whangarei RSA and the Kamo Club Dance Section. On November 4th we had a great evening at the RSA with a good turn out and everyone dancing the night away. On Wednesday the 7th December we played for the Kamo Club Dance Sections Christmas breakup. Again another good crowd turned out to dance and participate in the Xmas activities. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2017 and would like to thank the RSA and Kamo Club for their support. Also thank you everyone that has supported us during the year. We appreciate it very much.
On the 4th of December we were guest artists at the Hibiscus CMC in Orewa. This was a fun day with a good crowd in attendance, approx. 200 people, to enjoy an afternoon of country music. It was also great to catch up with so many friends that we had not seen for quite a while. Thank you to the band for a fantastic job in backing not only us but all the singers that performed on the day. Also thank you to everyone that bought a cd or DVD on the day. We hope you enjoy them and we appreciate your support. We look forward to returning in 2017.
Looking ahead to 2017 we have already got a number of people booked for our Norfolk Is Tour in May. As we have previously said this will be our 10th anniversary tour to the Country Music Festival and we have another fantastic week organised for our tour group. There are still places available so contact us if you would like to join us in 2017.
We will once again be attending the Marton Country Music Festival in January, the Barham Stampede, NSW, Aust, in July and the inaugural Lockington Country Music Festival, Vic, Aust, in August. We will also be playing for the National Street Rod Association in Rotorua on the 22nd October, really looking forward to that one.
Once again thank you to you all for supporting us in 2016. Enjoy your Christmas and New Year celebrations and stay safe. We will catch you in 2017. Take care and keep it Country.
Best wishes and have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Annette and Kim